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✍✍ CSE- Main Examination Pattern ✍✍✍✍ The main Examination is intended to assess the overall intellectual t…

UPSC-Geography Climatology Terminologies

Climatology Terminologies Weather Vs  Climate: -  The primary distinction between weather and climate is the…

Watermelon Snow Climate Change

As it occurs due to Inversion in Temperature so it can be called a Climate Change after Effect. Pre Topic: -…

What is Space Hurricane?

What is Space Hurricane? Fig: Space Hurricane A ‘space hurricane’ is a swirling mass of plasma. The space hu…

GS -II-Prisoners Voting Right

GS -II- Governance,  Constitution,  Polity, Social Justic e and  International relations Prisoners Voting R…

Four new corals recorded from Indian waters

🌊🌊🌊🌊 Four new corals recorded from Indian waters🌊🌊🌊 Scientists have recorded four species of corals …

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